Represents a Workspace. Can be used to inquire and load workspaces and apply them using methods on the App object.

Note that is can also be useful in script to create and load temporary workspaces to apply filters or query drafts. If you create a new Workspace object and never call update() that workspace will not be saved after the end of an action's execution.

Find and Load Workspace

// find workspace and load it in drafts list
let workspace = Workspace.find("Projects");


archiveIncludesFlagged: boolean

Should flagged drafts be included in archive.

inboxIncludesFlagged: boolean

Should flagged drafts be included in inbox.

loadActionBarGroup?: ActionGroup

Action group to load in Action Bar when applying the workspace.

loadActionListGroup?: ActionGroup

Action group to load in action list when applying the workspace.

loadFolder?: draftFolderTab

Folder tab to select when applying the workspace.

preferredDarkTheme?: Theme

Preferred dark theme to load when applying the workspace.

preferredLightTheme?: Theme

Preferred light theme to load when applying the workspace.

showDate: boolean

Show date information in list.

showLastAction: boolean

Show last logged action for draft in list.

showPreview: boolean

Show preview of draft body in list.

showTags: boolean

Show draft tags in list.


endDate: QueryDate

A QueryDate specifying a date which all drafts in the workspace must be less than or equal to.

flaggedStatus: flagStatus

Filter by flagged status of drafts.

queryString: string

Search string to filter results.

startDate: QueryDate

A QueryDate specifying a date which all drafts in the workspace must be greater than or equal to.

tagFilter: string

Comma-delimited list tag string like "blue, !green" using "!" to omit a tag.

tagFilterRequireAll: boolean

If true, all (AND) tags in the tag filter must match, if false match any of the tags (OR)


installURL: string

URL which can be used to install this Workspace in another installation of Drafts. Useful for sharing and backups.

name: string

The name of the workspace.


  • Query for a list of drafts contained in the workspace.


    • filter:
          | "inbox"
          | "flagged"
          | "archive"
          | "trash"
          | "all"

    Returns Draft[]

  • Save changes made to the workspace to the database. This must be called to save changes.

    Returns void

  • create a new workspace object. This is an in-memory object only, unless update() is called to save the it. The initial state of the workspace properties is based on the configuration of the user's default workspace.

    Returns Workspace

  • Search for workspace matching the name passed and return it if found. Returns undefined if not found.


    • name: string

    Returns Workspace


  • Set sort order for "all" drafts folder.


    • sortBy: sortBy
    • sortDescending: boolean
    • sortFlaggedToTop: boolean

    Returns void

  • Set sort order for archive.


    • sortBy: sortBy
    • sortDescending: boolean
    • sortFlaggedToTop: boolean

    Returns void

  • Set sort order for flagged.


    • sortBy: sortBy
    • sortDescending: boolean

    Returns void

  • Set sort order for inbox.


    • sortBy: sortBy
    • sortDescending: boolean
    • sortFlaggedToTop: boolean

    Returns void
