Shortcut objects are used as a convenience to run a shortcut in Apple's Shortcut app, and optionally obtain a result. This is a wrapper for making x-callback-url requests and waiting for a response from the Shortcuts app.

An example, with associated shortcut, can be installed from the Directory.

let shortcut = Shortcut.create("MY-SHORTCUT-NAME", draft.content)
if ( {
// if here, the shortcut ran successfully
// show an alert with the result text
// if the shortcut returned a dictionary, it will be in the `response` property



name: string

The name of the Shortcut to call from your Shortcuts library.

response: {
    [x: string]: any;

An object contain and URL query parameters returned by the Shortcuts app. For example, if the the shortcut ends returning a value, it will be in the result key of this dictionary. If it returned a Dictionary, this would have each of the keys of the dictionary as a string value.

result?: any

Convenience method to retrieve the result key from the reponse object. This is equivalent to shortcut.response["result"]. The type of value in this key depends on the value returned from the shortcut.

    | "cancelled"
    | "created"
    | "success"
    | "error"
    | "timeout"
    | "invalid"

The current status. Used to check outcome after run is called. Possible values:

  • created: run has not yet been called.
  • success: Shortcut has been run successfully.
  • cancelled: Cancel callback was received.
  • error: Error was returned from Shortcuts.
  • timeout: Waiting for the response timed out without receiving response from Shortcuts.
  • invalid: The URL was invalid and could not be opened.
text: string

The string value to pass as the Shortcut Input value.

waitForResponse: boolean

If true, the script will pause and wait for the shortcut to complete and return a result. If false, execution of the script/action will continue immediately and no response/results will be available.


  • Run the shortcut, and waits for a response (if waitForResponse = true). Returns true if an success response was received from the Shortcuts, otherwise false. If false, use the "status" property to determine the type of failure.

    Returns boolean

  • Creates a new Shortcut object with the name and text properties already assigned.


    • name: string
    • text: string

    Returns Shortcut
