ReminderList objects are used to manipulate and create lists in the built-in Reminders app.

declare const  list = ReminderList.findOrCreate("Groceries");
let reminder = list.createReminder();
reminder.title = "Bananas";
reminder.notes = "Get slightly green ones."



completeTasks: Reminder[]

Reminders in the list which have been marked completed.

incompleteTasks: Reminder[]

Reminders in the list which are NOT completed.

tasks: Reminder[]

All reminders in the list.

title: string

The name of the list.


  • Create a new Reminder object in this list

    Returns Reminder

  • Save changes to the list.

    Returns boolean

  • Searches for a reminder lists matching the title. If none is found, return undefined.


    • title: string

    Returns ReminderList

  • Searches for a list in the reminders app matching the title. If none is found, creates a new list with that title. If more than one list with the same name exist in Reminders, the first found will be returned.


    • title: string

    Returns ReminderList
