Reminder objects represent individual tasks in a list in the built-in Reminders app. For examples, see ReminderList documentation.


alarms: Alarm[]

The alarms assigned to the reminder, if any.

completionDate?: Date

Completion date of the reminder. This value is set automatically when the isCompleted property is set to true. Setting this property to nil will set isCompleted to false.

dueDate?: Date

Due date of the reminder

dueDateIncludesTime: Boolean

Does the dueDate property include an assigned time. If false, assignments to the dueDate property will ignore time components, making the reminder due on a specific date without a time assigned.

hasAlarms: boolean

Returns true if the reminder has any alarms.

identifier: string

Unique identifier for the reminder.

isCompleted: boolean

Flag indicating if the task has been completed.

The list which this task resides in.

location: string

Location of the event.

notes: string

Notes associated with the event.

    | 0
    | 1
    | 5
    | 9

Integer number representing priority. Assign values matching those Apple uses as follows:

  • 0: No priority
  • 1: High
  • 5: Medium
  • 9: Low
startDate?: Date

Start date of the reminder

startDateIncludesTime: Boolean

Does the startDate property include an assigned time. If false, assignments to the startDate property will ignore time components, making the reminder start on a specific date without a time assigned.

title: string

The title of the event.


  • Add an alarm object to the reminder. Be sure to update() to save after adding alarms. Return true if the alarm was successfully added. Note that reminders only support alarms created with the Alarm.alarmWithDate method.


    Returns boolean

  • Remove any assigned alarms from the reminder.

    Returns void

  • Save the task. Returns true if the task is successfully saved in Reminders.

    Returns boolean