Event object represent individual calendar events. For usage examples, see Calendar object documentation.



alarms: Alarm[]

The alarms assigned to the event, if any.

attendees: Object[]

Attendees of the event as an array of objects in the format:

"isCurrentUser": false,
"name": "John Appleseed",
"status": "accepted",
"type": "person",
"role": "required"
    | "busy"
    | "free"
    | "tentative"
    | "unavailable"
    | "notSupported"

Availability for scheduling. Not supported by all Calendar servers.

calendar: Calendar

The calendar which this event resides in.

creationDate: Date

Original creation date of the event.

endDate: Date

End date of the event.

hasAlarms: boolean

Returns true if the event has any alarms.

identifier: string

Unique identifier for the event

isAllDay: boolean

Flag for all day events.

lastError: string

If a function fails, this property will contain the last error as a string message, otherwise it will be undefined.

lastModifiedDate: Date

Last change to the event.

location: string

Location of the event.

notes: string

Notes associated with the event.

startDate: Date

Start date of the event.

title: string

The title of the event.

url?: string

URL associated with the event. Setting URL value will fail if the value is not a valid URL.


  • Add an alarm object to the event. Be sure to update() to save after adding alarms.


    Returns void

  • Open the event in the system event editing card. The user will be able to modify/edit the event values and add to a calendar from this view. Returns true if the event was saved, false if the user canceled or deleted the event.

    Returns boolean

  • Remove any assigned alarms from the event.

    Returns void

  • Save the event. Returns true if the event is successfully saved in Calendars.

    Returns boolean
